

KWPN China

The KWPN (Royal Dutch Warmblood Studbook) is the biggest and one of the most successful studbooks in the world.


Performance, durability and appealing conformation are the most important factors on which the international success of the Dutch horse is based.


Become part of that success and join us!


For years, Dutch-bred horses have dominated international horse shows. Week after week, riders from around the world win competitions with their KWPN horses. The KWPN works hard to keep its members current on the achievements of its horses through media including and the online magazine KWPN International, with articles on sporthorse breeding.

很多年来,荷兰繁育马都是世界马术赛事表演的主导者。在世界各地的比赛中几乎每周都有荷兰马获胜。KWPN以不懈的努力为会员服务,并通过 官网和拥有繁育运动马信息的在线KWPN国际杂志,将众多的成就展示给会员。

Become a member of KWPN 成为KWPN会员!

KWPN list of rates KWPN2017年收费清单

When you would like to have information in Chinese, please contact our official KWPN representative in China:


Ying Xu:

  • Tel: 13752780551(WeChat)Email:
  • 联系方式:13752780551(微信)邮箱

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