
Become a member

KWPN offers different types of membership:

KWPN International Membership

KWPN members receive numerous benefits including:

• A subscription to the digital KWPN Magazine (in Dutch), filled with informative articles on breeding and sport
• The opportunity to participate in KWPN activities including inspections, ability tests, and competitions;
• The option to register home-bred horses;
• Complimentary online advertising of horses/foals for sale at KWPN Horses for Sale;
• Access to My KWPN, for tracking horses bred by and/or registered to members;
• Enjoy unlimited access to;
• A lot of membership benefits

The KWPN Membership continues automatically each year. It is possible to terminate your membership before the 1st of December of this calender year. Scroll down on this page for more information.

Price: €139.50

Company membership

The KWPN has a special company membership for companies, for more information, click on 'become a member', fill in the form and e-mail it to the KWPN (

Become a member

KWPN TV membership (non KWPN members) presents you a completely renewed platform, where you can watch the exclusive KWPN content. As a KWPN member you can enjoy all livestreams and videos for free, and non-members can get access to the extensive offer for €49.95 per year.

Price: €49.95

KWPN TV membership (non KWPN members) presents you a completely renewed platform, where you can watch the exclusive KWPN content. As a KWPN member you can enjoy all livestreams and videos for free, and non-members can get access to the extensive offer for €49.95 per year.

Become a member

Terminate membership

You can terminate your KWPN membership as of December 31 (of any year). Your termination must be reported before December 1 of the current year. Therefore, if you report or send your termination after November 30, 2025, KWPN will end your membership on December 31, 2026. After termination, a confirmation letter or email will be sent to you. Only when you have received this confirmation is the termination of your membership definitive.

You can end your membership online via Mijn KWPN (click on the orange button). If you are unable to submit your termination online, you can also send an email to or send a termination letter to KWPN, De Beek 109, 3852 PL Ermelo. Please include your membership number and the reason for your termination.

Terminate your membership through MY KWPN

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We request your agreement to the use of cookies on our website. More information is available on our cookie policy page.

Cookie Policy