
It was, just like last year, a full house during the first round viewing of the KWPN harness horse stallions in the Willem Alexander Hall in Ermelo. Eleven three-year-old stallions advanced to the next round, while a four-year-old must first be presented in harness in Den Bosch before potentially being invited.

Before noon, the stallions (33) were evaluated by the jury consisting of chairman Wim Versteeg, Thomas van der Weiden, Bauke de Boer, and inspector Viggon van Beest in the lane next to the main arena. All were also scored linearly. This information was carried forward into the afternoon session, where the horses were shown in six groups, demonstrating their trotting ability as well as their walk for a large audience. After each group, the results were announced, leading to eleven final selections. These included four sons of Macho, two of Magnifiek, and one each from Cizandro, Icellie, Neon GSM, Roy M, and Sallandt's Long Train Running.

Positive impression
Wim Versteeg explains that the selected stallions left a positive impression. "There was sometimes some debate about whether or not to refer a stallion, but we aimed to fulfill the task of keeping lower-related stallions in the process for as long as possible and, when in doubt, giving them the benefit of the doubt. We were also able to fulfill the task of giving offspring from younger stallions as much opportunity as possible. The stallions Macho, Magnifiek, Neon GSM, and the large-sized approved Hackney stallion Sallandt's Long Train Running showed their oldest offspring, and we were able to bring a few of them to Den Bosch." Three sons of Macho, two of Magnifiek, and one each from Hertog Jan, Lanto HBC, Neon GSM, and Waterman were awarded ster status.


  • Cat. no. 700 - Sam (Cizandro x Fijantha ster from Larix)
  • Cat. no. 703 - Sun King Apple (Icellie x Iristeusi ster pref from Eebert)
  • Cat. no. 711 - Samba (Macho x Mareda ster from Cizandro)
  • Cat. no. 713 - Seizandro (Macho x Heidelien elite from Cizandro)
  • Cat. no. 715 - Surprise T (Macho x Helga ster pref from Cizandro)
  • Cat. no. 719 - Sjimmie (Macho x Lirzela stb from Dylano)
  • Cat. no. 722 - Stuurman W (Magnifiek x Hulinda W keur from Cizandro)
  • Cat. no. 726 - Showtime (Magnifiek x Viva Jerina elite pref from Marvel)
  • Cat. no. 728 - Storm S (Neon GSM x Doesburga ster from Stuurboord)
  • Cat. no. 729 - Sorrento (Roy M x Julia-Rose ster from Cizandro)
  • Cat. no. 731 - Sepp (Sallandt's Long Train Running x Hendrini ster from Manno)

To be presented in harness in Den Bosch:

  • Cat. no. 733 - Rayan EVL (Icellie x Lizzy ster from Eebert)

The show of the stallions registered last fall was very impressive. They have developed excellently and each one put on a very beautiful performance. These included Relatief, Ravensgoed W, Ricardo, and Rebel MJDB.

Overview page of the first viewing of the harness horses (with an overview of the selected stallions)


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The KWPN (Studbook of the Royal Dutch Sport Horse) is a Netherlands-based organization specializing in the breeding of jumpers, dressage horses, harness horses, and Gelder horses.

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