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023 Carrera VDL x Coconut Grove
026 Carrera VDL x Zirocco Blue VDL
032 Chacoon Blue x Air Jordan Z
033 Chacoon Blue x Clintissimo Z
041 Cicero Z van Paemel x Grand Pilot I
045 Comme il Faut x Acord II
046 Comme il Faut x Nabab de Reve
049 Comme il Faut x Quinta Real
052 Comme il Faut x Sir Shutterfly
056 Contendro II x Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve
185 Levisto x Dakota VDL
206 United Touch S x Monte Bellini
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The KWPN (Studbook of the Royal Dutch Sport Horse) is a Netherlands-based organization specializing in the breeding of jumpers, dressage horses, harness horses, and Gelder horses.
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