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001 Aganix du Seigneur x Diamant de Semilly - referred
002 Aganix du Seigneur x Kannan - referred
003 Aganix du Seigneur x Carambole
004 Aganix du Seigneur x Clearway - referred
005 Aktion Pur Z x Flamenco Desemilly - referred
009 Balou du Rouet Z x Voltaire
014 Berlin x Oramé - referred
016 Brantzau VDL x Cassini I - referred
018 Cape Coral RBF Z x Sheraton
021 Cardento x Pacific - referred
030 Casallo Z x Atlantus Z
031 Cascadello x Indoctro - referred
116 Glasgow-W vh Merelsnest x Cascavelle
117 Glenfiddich VDL x Indoctro
209 Up To Date x Caretino - referred
210 Vagabond de la Pomme x Padinus
211 Vannan x Carambole - referred
213 Vigo d'Arsouilles x Indoctro
216 Zirocco Blue VDL x Verdi - referred
217 Zirocco Blue VDL x Libero H
218 Zirocco Blue VDL x Andiamo - referred
Terug naar overzichtspaginaThe KWPN (Studbook of the Royal Dutch Sport Horse) is a Netherlands-based organization specializing in the breeding of jumpers, dressage horses, harness horses, and Gelder horses.
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